Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Daddy's Girl

Rather then take a breather, I am taking advantage of having finished Okita early and doing another little six page project... a zombie story called Daddy's Girl. I don't care much for horror or zombie's generally, but this has been a chance to stretch myself by taking a different tack to the art on a short project.

Usually I do a page at a time, pencil; and ink, maybe even scan letter and tone, before moving on. For this I penciled all six pages today, (now I'm off to work) and tomorrow, I should be able to ink and scan it, as i have the day free. I'll let the publisher letter it, and I'm going to try to do it without gray tones. I'll add my texture by hand... which will be another change of approach, and its made possible because I'm pencilling it all first. Since there's a gap between the pencil work and the inking, I need to make the pencils more finished, so I remember what I intended. I also have to make the pencils more carefully, because there's a lot of deatal in this script.

Its all interconnected.

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